I first meet Bill at a conference in Chicago in 1993. He gave an inspiring talk during which he spoke about how difficult it was to set his new digital wristwatch. In fact, he confessed that he had to rely on his young son to do it for him. Bill then challenged the audience to start paying the same kind of attention to the way people interact with products that was being given to shaping the objects themselves. In a time where technology-centered terms like “hypermedia” were being use to describe interactive systems, Bill characteristically shared the term “interaction design” to describe a fledgling new discipline…one which focused on shaping how we interact with products, services, systems and environments in new ways. I feel so fortunate to have come upon this new discipline at a time where Bill was leading the way forward in such a special way. His positive outlook on design, gentle demeanor, approachability and his passion for people is something I will always draw inspiration from. Thank you so much Bill for all the wonderful interactions.

submitted by Danny Stillion